Kol Chai Religion School
HaMakom “The Place” is the first pluralistic religion school in the UK and reflects the coming together of our four communities to educate our children and young adults in Progressive Judaism. As a pluralistic school, we fully respect and honour Liberal, Masorti and Reform Judaism.
We offer a stimulating and enjoyable programme with a strong connection to community for all children, including those who attend Jewish day schools. we provide them with the one thing those schools cannot – a connection with their own synagogue and community.
Children aged from 4 to 18 get a wide and grounded Jewish education xxx
Children study for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah in a way that complements each community. xxxx
They can continue their education through our unique secondary programme – one year of studying Kabbalat Torah, followed by the HaMakom Assistant Training course which leads to a paid role at our cheder.
There are two things we aim to give our children: a love and emotional attachment to Judaism, and the knowledge and educational tools to equip them to practice their Judaism. If they love Judaism, they will continue to learn for the rest of their lives
Our religion school is inclusive and accepting.
For further information about HaMakom, please contact our headteacher or chair of the school governors
Our Mission Statement: Instilling a love for Judaism and a feeling of belonging to a community so that students who attend HaMakom should emerge with attitudes and tools which will enable them to access Judaism both formally and informally at any point in their lives.
HaMakom aims:
- To create and foster a sense of Jewish identity and commitment, manifested in seeking further learning and maintaining involvement in Judaism throughout the lives of its students
- To teach a core knowledge of Judaism within the areas of Jewish practice, history and Hebrew with sensitivity to the differing stages of a student’s cognitive, social and emotional development
- To imbue the pupils with a clear sense of positive and life enhancing ethical values, by way of learning and in their behaviour in the class, such as sharing, generosity, compassion and fairness
- To introduce the students to the challenges of becoming knowledgeable, independently enquiring, committed and socially involved Jews
- To develop students’ potential for enhanced spiritual growth by:
Developing awareness of the fundamental questions of life raised by human experiences and how Jewish teachings relate to them
Reflecting on their own beliefs, values and experiences in the light of study
Enabling pupils to participate fully in services and congregational life
Developing an understanding of Jewish values that help them to form their own informed, independent decisions regarding moral issues - To develop a Jewish perspective on other faith communities that they may encounter, so that they may live confidently as Jews in a pluralistic society, comfortable in their interaction with those of other faiths or no faith while maintaining a positive attitude to being Jewish
- To include informal and creative opportunities with an awareness of and sensitivity to the needs and interest of young people, both in the context of classroom learning and the synagogue
- To enable students to participate meaningfully in services and synagogue life
- To utilize and develop the strengths and interests of the staff members and volunteers, value them as individuals and facilitate their development as educators