Art with Mike
Would you like to learn how to draw and paint, or do you need to ‘brush up’ your existing skills?
Come along to the next ‘Art with Mike’ session and explore the wonders of acrylic paint with our experienced and talented teacher, Mike Cahillane.
It’s informal and relaxing, it’s fun and, who knows, you may unearth your inner Monet or Picasso! We are mostly beginners and improvers, so anything we produce under Mike’s professional eye is a mini ‘masterpiece’ to us.
We meet on alternate Tuesdays 2 – 4 pm. Come and join us.
For further information contact: or Peter Gartenberg, or the Kol Chai office.
Kol Chai Art Shabbat 27-07-19
The Kol Chai Art Group held a special Art Shabbat to mark four years since it was formed and to celebrate the enormous progress the students had made under the guidance of Michael Cahillane.

The Art Group all taught by Mike Cahillane
The shabbat service was led by the Art Group and included an exhibition of the Art Group’s work and after the service the Group sponsored a special kiddush for congregants.

Mike Cahillane with some of his paintings
Some of the Art Group’s work